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Wall Cutting Blades

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Wall cutting, also known as wall sawing, is widely used in the concrete cutting area for different purposes like opening doors and windows, concrete removal, access openings, structural modifications, etc. It can be a challenge for concrete cutting contractors; you not only need advanced wall cutting machines and skilled workers but also appropriate wall cutting blades.

Based on your budget and cutting efficiency, you can choose different types of wall sawing blades. If the budget is enough, we recommend the Arix Type laser-welded wall cutting blades to accelerate your cutting projects. Alternatively, you can choose high-frequency welded wall cutting blades with our W-shaped segments, which are more competitive. The W-shaped segments can better discharge debris to prevent the saw blade from getting stuck, making the cutting process smoother.

We provide different wall cutting blades to fit different power machines (from low, middle to high). There are mainly 5 different center holes to fit different brands of machines. Please check our article on the "Buying Guide for Wall Cutting Diamond Blades" to choose the best one to fit your unique cutting machines.

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FAQ for wall cutting blades

What are wall cutting blades used for?
What types of wall cutting blades do you offer?
Concrete cutting blades are thicker than wall cutting blades?
How do I choose the right wall cutting blade?
Do you offer custom wall cutting blades?
What items do you provide for OEM service?
  • V segmented wall cutting blade
    ваши сегменты есть отличная работа, 1 мм истирается на 4 M2
    Customer from Russia
    V Segmented Wall Cutting Blades

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    16 Inch Wall Cutting Blade with Short T Segments
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